January, 2005
4 – Carrie Longwood, Exec. Dir. S.D. Stock Growers Assoc. - COOL (Country of Origin Labeling)*
11 – Business Meeting - A major decision about the direction of the club is to be made at this meeting*
18 – Lion George Gladfelter - Charity Needs in Rapid City*
25 – Dan Island - Cornerstone Rescue Mission*
* Meal provided, cost is $6.
8 -
Charter night for the Evening Star Lions Club -
at the Radisson (6:30 social hour, 7 pm dinner)
The cost is $20.
Please RSVP to Lion Gary Johnson by JANUARY 4,
with choice of entree: Prime Rib or Grilled Chicken.
email to: garyj@enetis.net or
telephone 342-2520
10 – 11:45 Board Meeting at the Beanery
21-22 - 2005 South Dakota Lions Convention, Lead, SD
June 2-4 - MD-5 Convention in Spearfish, SD